Strategic Research Topics

In a narrower or broader sense the majority of Fraunhofer IMM’s projects is dealing with topics of high relevance for society.

Clean Energy

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We target the following applications:

Hydrogen based energy supply

  • combined heat and power unit for small to medium stationary solutions
  • fuel processor solutions for powering maritime and agricultural vehicles, aircraft assistance, transport, and automotive
  • auxiliary power units
  • renewable energy storage / methanation
  • biofuel production

Ammonia utilization

  • powering deep sea vessels
  • reducing carbon dioxide in industrial processes


© Fraunhofer IMM




We target the following applications:

Flow Chemistry

  • cascade reactions via coupled catalysis methods
  • photocatalyzed synthesis
  • electrification of chemistry
  • reactive intermediates for pharmaceutical applications
  • innovative processing regimes targeting fine chemicals, special chemicals, agrochemicals, …
  • decentralized production concepts

Media monitoring

  • condition monitoring of and determination of microorganisms process media
  • monitoring of critical product parameters and real-time quality control of food and in food production processes
  • leak detection in circuits
  • high precision components for imaging spectroscopy monitoring climate and environmental changes
  • surveilling fusion experiments


© Fraunhofer IMM




We target the following applications:

Infection diagnostics

  • PCR-based diagnostics of infectious diseases
  • pandemic control
  • fast sepsis detection

Nanoparticle Systems

  • targeted drug delivery
  • encapsulation of sensory active ingredients, value adding substances and matrix components
  • materials with tailor-made properties

Single cell analytics

  • cancer diagnostics
  • research for therapy development and monitoring of therapy success

API synthesis via sustainable routes