Reactors and Setups

We use the following reactors (manufactured by 3D laser melting) and setups:

Laboratory reactor
© Fraunhofer IMM
Laboratory reactor
  • Laboratory reactor setup
    • Throughput: depending on the organometallic reagent, 0.5-15 mL/min
    • Temperature range: depending on solvent 0-80 °C
    • Metal: turnings with manual replenishing unit
  • Modular pilot reactor setup
    • Throughput: depending on the organometallic reagent, 50-300 mL/min
    • Temperature range: depending on solvent 0-80 °C
    • Metal: turnings with integrated continuous replenishing
  • Lab- and pilot scale reactors for catalyzed and non-catalyzed follow-up reactions
Pilot reactor: single module
© Fraunhofer IMM
Pilot reactor: single module
Pilot reactor: combination of four reactor modules
© Fraunhofer IMM
Pilot reactor: combination of four reactor modules
Pilot reactor: Grignard reaction
© Fraunhofer IMM
Pilot reactor: Grignard reaction