Publikationen zu Einzelzelltechnologien

  • Gribko, A.‡; Stiefel, J.‡ et al. IsoMAG—An Automated System for the Immunomagnetic Isolation of Squamous Cell Carcinoma-Derived Circulating Tumor Cells. Diagnostics 2021; 11, 2040;
  • Stiefel, J. et al. Characterization of a novel microfluidic platform for the isolation of rare single cells to enable CTC analysis from head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients. Eng Life Sci. 2022; 22: 391– 406.
  • Stiefel, J. et al. Automated immunomagnetic enrichment and optomicrofluidic detection to isolate breast cancer cells: A proof-of-concept towards PoC therapeutic decision-making. Magnetochemistry 2022: 8(9): 99.
  • Alebrand, S.; Freese, C.; Stiefel, J.; Wehler, T.; Raem, A. M.; Baßler, M. Automatisierte Isolation zirkulierender Tumorzellen für die Liquid Biopsy. In: Immunoassays: Ergänzende Methoden, Troubleshooting, regulatorische Anforderungen; Raem, A.; Rauch, P., Eds., 2. Auflage 2023; Springer Spektrum: Berlin, ISBN 9783662626702
  • Stiefel, J. et Freese, C. Tropfen für Tropfen gegen Krebs. Laborpraxis 2022. [latest access: 2022-04-19]
  • Pallavi, P., Scheuermann, S. (2024). Single Cell Isolation from Surgically Resected Tissue Via Mechanical Dissociation Using TissueGrinder. In: Gužvić, M. (eds) Single Cell Analysis. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2752. Humana, New York, NY.
  • Soteriou, D., Kubánková, M., Schweitzer, C. et al. Rapid single-cell physical phenotyping of mechanically dissociated tissue biopsies. Nat. Biomed. Eng 7, 1392–1403 (2023).
  • Scheuermann et al. TissueGrinder, a novel technology for rapid generation of patient-derived single cell suspensions from solid tumors by mechanical tissue dissociation. Front. Med. Volume 9 – 2022.
  • Scheuermann, Stefan, Schäfer, Armin, Langejürgen, Jens and Reis, Christian. "A step towards enzyme-free tissue dissociation" Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 5, no. 1, 2019, pp. 545-548.
  • Schöning et Scheuermann. Personalisierte Medizin: Digitalisierte Probenaufarbeitung für die Einzelzellenanalyse. Laborpraxis 2019. Personalisierte Medizin: Digitalisierte Probenaufarbeitung für die Einzelzellenanalyse [latest access: 2024-11-06]